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ಸೋಮ, 15 ಜುಲೈ
Coffee, Cinema and Community: Mental Health Redefined
You can read more about our Brain Awareness Week event here -
Time & Location
ಜುಲೈ 15,2024, 9:00 ಪೂರ್ವಾಹ್ನ – ಜುಲೈ 21,2024, 7:00 ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ
About the event
Brain Awareness Week aims to foster public enthusiasm & support for brain science through education & awareness. Our week long program "Coffee, Cinema and Community: Mental Health Redefined" included book talks, art exhibitions, film discussions & learning about the history of NIMHANS, encouraging Bengaluru residents to talk about mental health. From cafe book talks to film discussions, from art exhibitions to storytelling workshops - let's talk about mental health, Bengaluru!
17 ದಿನಗಳು 7 ಗಂಟೆಗಳು 59 ನಿಮಿಷಗಳುRegistrations Open | Through the Looking Glass: Artistic Perspectives on Mental Health
2 ಗಂಟೆಗಳುBook Talk: Mindscape and Landscape: An Illustrated History of NIMHANS by Dr Sanjeev Jain
Atta Galatta, Indiranagar
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